We're currently offering the following workshop:
- Workshop for teachers "Zahlenzauber"
Robert Metcalf | for teachers, educators and anyone else interested in education
Dive into the world of early years maths – with music, games and physical activity!
The aim of the workshop is to create impulses and ideas for a holistic approach into the teaching of numbers and other basic mathematical principals.
On request, it may be possible to take part in an introductory theatre workshop for some of our productions.
These workshops play on children's natural curiosity and the playful way of introducing new themes are introduced and developed in improvised sketches.
Having gained an introduction into the material, they then get to know the plot and a range of characters through their own theatrical play. They get a look behind the scenes and learn more about the art of acting. Future visits and discussions then draw on the plot motifs and the characters discovered during the workshop.
Stage Tours
On request, we can offer children and adults behind-the-scenes tours after certain productions at no extra cost.
How is the stage built? How does the technology work? Where are the actors when they're not on stage? How many people are involved in staging a play? What does it look like behind the scenes?
These group tours will tell you about all the processes involved in putting on a show which allow the curtain to be raised.
We can offer a stage tour after you have visited the following productions:
"Mio My Son"
"Pippi Longstocking"
"The Little Water Sprite"
Plus others on request.
We look forward to your visit!
Accompanying Material
"The Little Water Sprite"
Based on the book by Otfried Preußler
For children aged 4+
Amongst the many plays regularly appearing on the Astrid Lindgren Stage at the FEZ Berlin is "The Little Water Sprite". Based on the children's classic by and directed by Kay Dietrich, thr book is aimed at children aged 4 and up.
The concept here is a practical introduction for children in preparation for watching a performance. Through imaginary journeys into underwater worlds, trying out characters and scenes from Preußler's novel, the children can explore central themes of the classic children's book and develop a better feeling for the adventures of the Little Water Sprite, whose curiosity repeatedly leads him into strange and unforeseeable circumstances.
Environmental education is another topic that plays a key role in the material. In particular, the element of water and its various uses in daily life is explored.
The material encourages both theatrical improvisation and an array of connected creative activities. Work in the classroom may range from reenacting your own scenes, painting and crafting work as well as exploring and writing further encounters experienced by The Little Water Sprite. These can take place in the run-up to the theatre visit and afterwards.
Booklet to accompany the production
"The Little Water Sprite" (written by Julia Seedler) - free download:
Theatrical education accompany material (PDF)
'TUKI - Theatre & Kindergarten'
Das 'TUKI - Theater und Kita' project supports three-year partnerships between selected theatres and kindergartens. During the first two years, the actors and theatre staff go into the kindergartens and showcase their theatre work. Meanwhile, the kindergarten is regularly invited to visit the theatre. Freqeuent contact and discussions exist between both institutions. Then, in the third year, the 'KontextKita' programme is introduced. At this point, the kindergarten teachers take over the theatre-based education with the the theatre staff playing more of a supporting role.
The current kindergarten partnership that the Astrid Lindgren Stage has is with the Kita Felix and Friends from Johannistahl in Treptow. They are in their first year of partnership with us and work closely together with our theatre educator Tone Eriksen.
Our former partner kindergartens:
Kita Ulmenstraße
Humanistische Kita Rappelkiste
'TUSCH - Theatre & School'
TUSCH Berlin arranges three-year partnerships between schools and theatres in which pupils learn all about what goes on at a theatre. Research is carried out, rehearsals and drama is performed, there are design workshops and a variety of games. Pupils also get the opportunity to visit the theatre and have a look behind the scenes as well as talk at length to directors and actors.
In the first year, the pupils, school teachers and the theatre employees get to know each other. This is expanded on in the following years and at the end of both the second and third years, a presentation takes place on stage. The results and findings of the partnership are also showcased during the TUSCH Festival Week at Podewil in Berlin-Mitte.
The pupils and teachers work on sight together with the theatre educators Vera Hüller and Claudia Maria Franck.
Our former partner schools:
Grundschule am Teutoburger Platz
SICHTEN Expert Forum
The theatrical education forum SICHTEN has been taking place in the FEZ Berlin since 1999. It promotes an intensive exchange between schools, kindergartens and other recreational facilities focusing on various topics related to childhood education.
The discussions have a range of aims, from testing out new work methods to finding new ideas and giving all participants the ability to improve existing programmes in place. People from various educational institutions and the arts (especially theatres) are sensitised to the opportunites created by theatre for the learning and development of young people.
More information can be found at:
Primary School Theatre Days
Primary School Theatre Days have been taking place at the Astrid Lindgren Stage since 2009:
During these days, schoolchildren from across Berlin immerse themselves in the world of theatre. They take part in theatrical and educational workshops and via the mediums of song, dance and games, learn more about a set topic. Meanwhile, some of the schools' teachers also have the chance to discuss the workings of the theatre and associated extra-curricular opportunites.
The 2-day theatre project days are especially aimed at classes 3 to 5 (ages 8 to 11). Again, one specific topic is focused on and spoken about, usually with theatrical shows, games or activities as a means of giving the pupils food for thought. At the end, the groups make a presentation to show off what they've learnt.